Pig can have little a antibiotics, as a treat? Seriously though, I understand the marketing — it is selling against the fact that factory farms pump animals full of antibiotics on a regular basis, as though they were vitamins. But when I read this all I can think about is this weird struggle for authenticity which requires a reversion to life before penicillin was discovered. Vibes too much like the ultraliberal strain of anti-vaxxers.

Pig can have little a antibiotics, as a treat? Seriously though, I understand the marketing — it is selling against the fact that factory farms pump animals full of antibiotics on a regular basis, as though they were vitamins. But when I read this all I can think about is this weird struggle for authenticity which requires a reversion to life before penicillin was discovered. Vibes too much like the ultraliberal strain of anti-vaxxers.