WoooOoo000ooooOoo SpooOoo000ky May 31, 2019 rossgradyinstagram, photographyLeave a comment so long, tumblr WoooOoo000ooooOoo SpooOoo000ky
Yeah, WTF Becky! May 21, 2019 rossgradyinstagram, photographyLeave a comment so long, tumblr Yeah, WTF Becky!
Major revision complete, & prototype boards ordered. If they actually work, will probably write it up / post to github / sell kits / sell complete devices. Some of the above anyway. #videosynth #synthdiy May 11, 2019 rossgradyinstagram, photographyLeave a comment so long, tumblr Major revision complete, & prototype boards ordered. If they actually work, will probably write it up / post to github / sell kits / sell complete devices. Some of the above anyway. #videosynth #synthdiy
DON’T WANT SNAKES? May 9, 2019 rossgradyinstagram, photographyLeave a comment so long, tumblr DON’T WANT SNAKES?