If you are looking to move into this fancy penthouse apartment at Aura 509 in Durham you should probably be aware that this window has been broken for over a month. The apartment is fully finished drywall tile appliances so its like an interesting experiment in the effects of exterior extreme weather on mediocre cookie-cutter rental apartment fixtures.

If you are looking to move into this fancy penthouse apartment at Aura 509 in Durham you should probably be aware that this window has been broken for over a month. The apartment is fully finished drywall tile appliances so its like an interesting experiment in the effects of exterior extreme weather on mediocre cookie-cutter rental apartment fixtures.

Steve Buscemi As we were walking along the Brooklyn Botanical Garden Celebrity Path I was thinking about how weve been in Brooklyn for three days and havent seen any celebrities. But then just now at the snack bar we saw Abbi Jacobson.

Steve Buscemi As we were walking along the Brooklyn Botanical Garden Celebrity Path I was thinking about how weve been in Brooklyn for three days and havent seen any celebrities. But then just now at the snack bar we saw Abbi Jacobson.