This new bloody offering at @alimentariatmothersandsons is incredibly flavorful head and shoulders above the rest of the pack. Its also too spicy for my no-heat-tolerating ass so be forewarned if you are as wussy as I am.

This new bloody offering at @alimentariatmothersandsons is incredibly flavorful head and shoulders above the rest of the pack. Its also too spicy for my no-heat-tolerating ass so be forewarned if you are as wussy as I am.

If you are looking to move into this fancy penthouse apartment at Aura 509 in Durham you should probably be aware that this window has been broken for over a month. The apartment is fully finished drywall tile appliances so its like an interesting experiment in the effects of exterior extreme weather on mediocre cookie-cutter rental apartment fixtures.

If you are looking to move into this fancy penthouse apartment at Aura 509 in Durham you should probably be aware that this window has been broken for over a month. The apartment is fully finished drywall tile appliances so its like an interesting experiment in the effects of exterior extreme weather on mediocre cookie-cutter rental apartment fixtures.