February 28 – March 5, 2015

Ugghgghgghghggh will this winter never end?

Saturday night we watched Force Majeure, whose thesis is something like “ugh, men, come ON,” which I can get wholeheartedly behind. It was intermittently hilarious and painful to watch.

The mystery flu-like ailment that attacked me on Thursday was mostly gone by Sunday, weirdly, but I still felt undermotivated and spent a lot of time on the sofa reading comic books.

Oh, and I finally finished 10 days of posting current NC bands on Facebook.

My friend Grayson documented this little game, started by my friend Julie, wherein everyone on Facebook was posting 10 of their favorite NC bands. Given the age of my friends, it wasn’t surprising that a substantial percentage of the bands mentioned (let’s say, in aggregate, somewhere north of 75%) weren’t just defunct, but were LONG defunct. Great bands, yeah, but 10+ years gone.

I felt like it would be a nice thing to list some bands that are actually currently active – brand new, even – and who are also really good. Just as some small indication that there’s still music to pay attention to around here.

So here’s my list:

OK. Back to reading comics. Maybe we’ll watch the latest Broad City later, although I’ve really disliked over half of the episodes so far this season.

February 28 – March 5, 2015